Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bring the Rain

Only days to count before the most awaited Youth Congress, and the groups are still finding themselves in an endless tasks of preparation. Give-aways, committees, presentations and a bunch full of work that needs to be attended are lining up racing with time in each passing day. Not only are we faced with numerous "to do's", finances are one of the most challenging part each group is facing. With much prayers and faith we are trying our best to pull out resources for us not to be beaten with time.

Everyday is a challenge, a blessing and for some a struggle. There are days where people seems to be in a "fast-forward" mode, some people fill the workplace with high intensity voices, others are just so busy working and too tired to talk and still there are some that could really do several things at a time, working, talking, and eating at the same time. Busy and stressed out we may be, we are never too tired to laugh. Having people around, helping (though some are just talking.. hehehe), laughing and joking around is as easy as breathing. At least we forget about some other things for just that little while and just laugh ourselves out.

Squeezing this blessed time to our tight schedule in life is worth it. Well, for some it is like squeezing and for others it is prime. Some people don't have this kind of oppurtunity to serve the Lord and have fun at the same time. Though the pressure factor is kind of kicking the fun side of it, but nobody is taking away from you, your choice of having fun while beating the pressure and time. I'm really praying we could claim what we always say, "the joy of the Lord is my strength", as we face more days of pressure and challenges. Durig these time our charaters are tested. There are so much flow of emotions as we are getting closer to the big day. We are challenge on every side, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. But as a song tells, "if that what it takes to praise You, Jesus bring the rain!", then bring on the rain.

The best is yet to come, GO KAYA TEAM!


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