Welcome to my blog. But really it is more like an external memory device for me to store life's precious moments, thoughts and experiences, because there are just things in life that we don't want to forget.

And so for me, to make sure I won't, I made use of this free-technology to be my aid. I'm not really expecting anyone to read my blog, but for those of you who just have that free time, and you don't know what else to do, you can try and check this out; maybe you can get something out of it or maybe I could get something from you.. I really don't know which one would work. Well any way, to continue my sentiments on how I should have a sort of external memory device, well yeah I badly need to. Powerful as the my brain and your brain may be, there will come a time that I and you will find it hard to recall some things. I don't even remember now the face of one of my kinder school teacher, all that I have was the memory of how her eraser smells, every time she have to erase something on my paper, and I can't even explain how it smells but the smell is running around my mind. See? Not even age can tell when we will start to hardly remember something. Maybe it's in one's genes,I strongly believe, because there are those who really have a sharp memory that even if they are advanced in age its easy for them to recall and academic-wise there are those that have that gift of memory and those that do not.Well for me though my memory is pretty strong for now, except for that teacher-face part, I won't wait for that time where I can't even remember my name. So I made this up. I know there are questions running through your mind about the stability and consistency of this technology,I have that in mind too. I may not be able to provide an answer that can assure me this will last but as far as where it can take me, this will be my external memory, to remind me not only of who I am, but of things, people and place that made me who I am.
I'm not really a creative writer but at least I know how to write.
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